Thursday 5 January 2017

Who Killed Vivien Morse (DCI Hatherall Book 4) by Diana J Febry

Happy new year to all my readers. A bit slow of the mark, but with work and a bout of flu, things are not as quick as I would like. With the launch of Conversations of Tom on the horizon, I realise that I have a lot of work to do. The book is safely in the hands of Penny Hunter who is finalising the edit. I however need to plan and execute a big roll out for the 5th of February. 1st on the agenda was a revamped and renamed Facebook site. Language in the Blood is no longer my only book and this blog will need a new name too. (Any suggestions?)
Have a look, I think the banner by Paradox looks great:Angela Lockwood Author
I still try to read and review books by other independent authors. One of them; Diana Febry has been on my list for a long time and I'm glad I've finally got round to reading one of her books. I gave it 5 stars.
When the body of Vivien Morse is found in some woodland, the case quickly becomes complicated. The abusive ex-husband has a cast iron alibi and due to her job as a social worker, there are many leads to follow for DCI Hatherall and his partner Fiona. This is not only a good mystery that had me guessing to the last, but also a highly entertaining read. This book could only have been set in the English country side; where else would you find such a colourful and eccentric mix of characters. I did feel for our DCI when he is trying to do his job, deal with personal problems and has to placate the local Neighbourhood watch busybody. A man dressed as a druid and not wearing shoes is hardly cause for hysteria? It was highly entertaining to be travelling in the shoes of our long suffering DCI as he was trying to extract fact from tittle tattle and flamboyant statements. Who Killed Vivien Morse is the 4th book in the DCI Hatherall series. Some characters pop up and it is clear that they played a role in earlier books but that doesn’t get in the way at of the story. I’m certainly tempted now to explore the first three books in the series.