Thursday, 30 January 2020

Rib Bone Jack: Smuggler's Pride by John Williamson

A little late, but a happy new year to all my readers. I hope your year will be a happy and healthy one full of adventure and discovery. If adventure is lacking in real life then you could do worse than picking up this book. However I would start with the first book in the series unfortunately the author does not number his books, but its called the poachers path. I reviewed Legacy of the Rhino by this author last year which was also a very good read.
I gave this 5 stars:

Set during the Napoleonic wars this book will take you back to a time when smugglers and invading forces made the British shores a very dangerous place. Our hero Jack is sent to Wales to look into some illegal activities taking place around Tenby.
Even though this book stands alone as a good adventure with a clear start and finish, I felt I had missed out on the relationships between some of the main characters. This is book 4 and it is clear that a lot of water has passed under the bridge. I wished I had been there at the start of Jack and Camilla’s romance and I might go back to the first book and start the series properly.
The historical details are well researched and used well as a backdrop to an exciting adventure. The book is full of some larger than life characters like the priest Mr Baker with a rather unusual approach to rescue sinners and the almost republican lord Cravith.
Recommended for lovers of historical adventures.