Sunday, 14 January 2018

Gift of Continence (Fiona MacDougall Book 2) by Tabitha Ormiston-Smith

Book one Dance of Chaos by Tabitha Ormiston-Smith made the top 5 of my favourite books of 2017, so you can imagine I was keen to read the follow up. This book is still very, very funny, but I enjoyed it less than book one. I will give this a 4.5 star.

Book one leaves us with Fiona losing her job and eyeing up a career in policing. It came as a bit of a surprise to find her  marrying long-term on-off boyfriend Tim. It is clear from the outset that Fiona is not marrying purely for love but also for the easy life Tim is willing to offer his stay at home new bride. Soon it becomes clear that living with her new husband is not a bed of roses and when she suspect her husband is cheating, Fiona drafts in the help of her foul mouth friend Gloria and little brother Patrick. This is a very funny book as Fiona and co. deliberate what to do with philandering hubby Tim. I did like the plot and there are a lot of laugh out loud moments, but I did enjoy it less than book one, mainly because I missed the cast of eccentric characters from the first book. Goebels, his sassy but foul mouth assistant and all Fiona’s other colleagues did add much comedy moments. I felt that Fiona was portrayed a bit too naive and silly, I mean she must have had some intelligence to do well on an aptitude test and land the job of programmer.  I would like to see what Fiona does next. What will do her good (like most of us!) is an honest day’s work and a fulfilling relationship, but knowing Fiona her delusional mind will lead her down the path of least resistance right into a big pile of trouble. Fun Aussi comedy, for people who don’t mind a bit of strong language and dark humour.
I got book one as a review copy of the author and enjoyed it immensely, so I promptly asked her for the follow up for an honest and fair review.

Monday, 8 January 2018

A Stitch in Time by Senan Gil Senan

So I finished 2017 having read and reviewed 52 books. Soon as it is the 8th of January I'd better get a review posted! This writer I liked a lot but it took me a while to get back to his work. I enjoy short stories as I mostly read in my lunch break. This bundle was great; 5 stars.

I’ve read a full length novel by this author before; Beyond the Pale; A dystopian fantasy with some very well written characters, thrown in with a good dose of humour. When I saw this bundle of shorts I was hoping to find more of the same but in bite size pieces. There is a strong common thread binding these stories together; time.
I loved how the writer used a number of genres (Sci-Fi, Horror, dystopian) to play with time in the narrative. I’m not normally a fan of Sci-Fi but I loved ‘Hold the bridge’ and it claustrophobic and tense atmosphere, as a space travelling officer wakes up from stasis before her crewmates do. Disoriented and with just one other crewmember awake she sets to work finding out why. The development and conclusion of this story was one of my favourites.
‘Hello Friend’ was also excellent, a satire of our reliance on technology but taking it a little step further into the future. The last story I was less keen on. Like the others it is narrated in the first person, but this one was told by a more advanced alien. I think this muddied the waters a little as we first had to get our head around this being, before we could get into the real story. I found myself drifting off a bit midway, but I did like the ending.
Altogether a bundle of stories that had a strong voice and a coherent theme. I enjoyed it and would recommend.

Sunday, 31 December 2017

A Bed of Wild Roses: Flowers of the Aristocracy (Untamed Regency Book 1) by Jackie Williams

What I like about this author is her sense of  humour. It made this book such a easy fun read. If you like historical romance that has some naughty bits but doesn't stray into full erotica, this writer will be for you. This is the second book I've reviewed by Jackie Williams and the writing is such that I won't mind picking up another of her books soon. I gave this 5 stars. Click on the picture to take you to Amazon.

I love romances that are set in a more innocent time. A time where a lady’s shapely ankle could turn a man’s head and an innocent kiss could lead to being assaulted by the girl’s brother. There are many comedy moments as overprotective brother Brendon clobbers best friend Algernon because of some misunderstandings. Felicity is a feisty heroine with a heart of gold and we feel for her when Algernon struggles with his pride and fears for her safety. What should have been a straight forwards romance is anything but; due to a greedy uncle that will do anything to get his hands on Algernon’s estate.
When I say that this is set in a more innocent time; we do all know that behind closed doors things were less innocent! It is clear Algernon and Felicity share an attraction that leaves them both rather hot and flustered. Some off the scenes are sizzling hot and the writer correctly advises that this book is not for the younger reader. For any other fan of historical romance I recommend it. Fun, hot and a good read.

Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Top 5 of 2017

I was stunned when Goodreads told me I had read and reviewed 51 books in 2017. That is nearly one a week. I do love reviewing as it is the best way to help a (Indie) writer. I've became part the books go social reviewers group on Facebook. Its a great community of writers and reviewers. What I like about it most is that it is a large group and it has writers in all sorts of genres so I can pick and choose what appeals to me. I thought with 51 books read I should come up with a top 5. The 5 star reviews that shone extra bright. Number one and two were easy but then it got harder. So here is my Top 5.

1. The future of London series by Mark Gillespie.
A sharp and satirical alternative version of history. This book won because it had everything; Satire, action and some real human characters (Even a cat!) 

2. Moristoun by Kevin McAllion 
A very Scottish book that totally surprised me. 

3. Dance of Chaos by Tabitha Ormiston-Smith 
Laugh out loud, very Australian, comedy.

4. The Indigo Rebels by Ellie Midwood 
Historic fiction with strong female characters.

 5. The Troubleshooter by Bard Constantine
Original take on the film noir genre. (Bogart meets blade runner)

Vampire Hunters by Trudie Collins

Even though I write in the vampire genre, I'm not an obsessive fan. I do like it if a vampire book doesn't take itself too seriously. This one thankfully fell more into the 'lets kick vampire butt' rather than the brooding teeny stuff. The one thing that let it down was too many training sessions. I'm really not that into weapons and martial arts fighting. I also feel that the writer dealt rather coldly with the human victims of vampire attacks. It was a trick missed to bring some emotion into the story.
Anyway, this would suit fans of a sassy romance and martial arts fans.

I’m a fan of the vampire genre so this cover grabbed me and I downloaded it to my kindle. Craig is a young man who lives in a sanctuary with 7 other vampire hunters. There they train, ready to go out hunting for vampires. He introduces his best friend Sarah to this secret society of hunters and above all to his trainer and boss JD. As soon as Sarah and JD set eyes on each other, sparks begin to fly. The vampires take a rather supporting role in this book. It is all about the romance between Sarah and JD. The dialogue and battle of wits between the two sparkles and is highly entertaining. I would have preferred a bit more depth to the vampires they encounter and a bit less of the hunters’ training sessions; it dragged a bit in points. Towards the end things were hotting-up and there was some good action and tense vampire encounters.  This writer does write well and I wouldn’t mind trying some of her other books.

Monday, 11 December 2017

Forgotten Places by Johanna Craven

I've read a book by this author a few months back and thought it was excellent. So no hesitation to pick up this historical fiction novel. The history plays a bit of a supporting role as it is more about the two main characters in this story. But it was a surprising and good story. 5 stars.

This book is set in the 1830’s and inspired by a true story. An escaped convict hides out in the Van Diemen’s land bush (now Tasmania) after 11 years of hiding he has forgotten how to speak. Then into his silent world stumbles a young woman with a little girl in tow.
This was a great book that would also work as a stage play as most of the action is between the two main characters Grace Ashwell and Alexander Dalton. It feels quite claustrophobic as the two are enclosed by the unforgiving forest. She is not sure if she can trust him but needs him to survive. He is bewildered by having suddenly another human being around and isn’t sure what to do. He is also haunted by the ghosts of his dead comrades that escaped with him. Bit by bit it is revealed what happened to them both.
I was very surprised by this book as it didn’t go in the direction I thought it would and the second part was a real treat as the plot turned and twisted. Recommended if you like historical fiction or thrillers and ghost stories, there is plenty of story here to please a broad readership.