Monday, 27 January 2014

Get to work!

The holidays are done, the husband is back at work and nothing should stop me from writing? Nothing apart from those dirty windows and...... oh dear that balcony looks filthy. Decided to just spend today going around the house cleaning, tidying and fixing all those little things that needed fixing. The living room has been nearly a year without a proper lamp. That bare bulb on the ceiling was an embarrassment; well no longer! Surly tomorrow I will be able to switch on my computer with a clear conscience.

3PM and I finally get to switch on my computer to catch up on my emails and maybe I can get some writing done before I need to put dinner on. Now the windows are clean and the light is streaming in I can see that the paintwork looks like it has seen better days. It will have to wait. It is too easy to get distracted again as there is always something that needs fixing, so I'm setting myself a target for the week. Maybe if I'm done by Thursday I'm treat my self to a Friday of painting walls;)

Target for the week:
1.Write 5000 words for the book, seems a lot but I'm a quick writer.
2.Write a short story(cheating here as it is done, it just needs a bit of editing) I'm very exited about this project as I want to publish a book with a few friends, featuring our short stories. I only have 2 so far, so some more work needed.
3.Do a book review on the blog.

Not overly ambitious, but there are a few other projects I want to look at like doing another book promotion. Oh and yes looking for a job.....

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