Showing posts with label The Silence of the Stones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Silence of the Stones. Show all posts

Sunday, 16 August 2015

The Silence of the Stones by Rebecca Bryn

I would have liked to have posted this review a few days earlier, but with work etc. I didn't get the book finished until this morning. The book was free over the weekend so it would have been nice to blog about that too. Anyhoo, go and buy it, it's worth the money. I give it 5 stars.
The Silence of the Stones by Rebecca Bryn on

This book has all the ingredients for a good read; a plucky heroine that is far from perfect. A mystery that has you guessing to the very end and a nail biting ending. Alana is a struggling artist that inherits a cottage on the Welsh Moors. Despite her families warning she decides to keep the cottage and risks everything by not selling it but creating a monumental art work. The easy way would have been to sell the cottage and carry on as before, but Alana is inspired by the place and makes a bold move. Knowing many struggling artist I found her character ballsy and entirely believable. Alana soon uncovers the unhappy past of this village and finds that things are still not right. Mysterious Runes appear on doors followed by a death. They seem like natural deaths, but is someone out for revenge? The story is complex but Rebecca has written it in an easy to read style. I couldn’t put this book down as there were just so many mysteries to uncover.
Set against the very atmospheric backdrop of the Welsh moors and its ancient monuments, this is a book well worth reading. I hope to discover more of this talented writer.