Showing posts with label cat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cat. Show all posts

Sunday, 26 November 2017

Nigel's Holiday by Tabitha Ormiston-Smith

This short story I picked up because we use the same cover designer (Patti at Paradox book covers) and we both like to use cats in our stories. This was only 18 pages long but it will give you a sense of Tabitha Ormiston-Smith's writing and great sense of humour. I'm sure I'll review something else of hers soon.

This short story will speak to the writers amongst us but also to anyone who has come to a point in their career where we hit a big wall. In Nigel’s case it is the dreaded writer’s block that also triggers some problems in the bedroom. He thinks he takes the inspired decision to take a break in Roumania. Being a Gothic romance writer he reckons that a visit to Dracula’s castle will be just the thing to get all the juices flowing again. I liked this short story and flawed Nigel as its main character. He gets himself into some silly situations and I felt sorry for him while being amused at the same time. The cover attracted me in the first place and the cat is as mysterious, ehm well as all cats. We never know what they are thinking. It is a short story and it left a lot of promising avenues unexplored. (Like who is the mysterious Sophie) I think this story can go further; the characters and the writer’s wit could elaborate this into a novel.

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Conversations with Tom

Big News! Conversations with Tom is ready to pre-order on Amazon. Be the first to have a copy on your kindle when it hits the virtual shelves on the 5th of February. It is the perfect romantic Valentines read.
Conversations with Tom by Angela Lockwood on

When Jeff and his wife Lisa adopt a kitten named Tom, they have no idea their marriage is in trouble. When the fluffy kitten turns out to be a boisterous cat, hell-bent on destroying furniture, Lisa realises life isn’t turning out the way she’d planned. Tom’s conviction that 4am really is the best time of day, plus her husband’s disastrous business sense, soon drives Lisa into the arms of another man.

Newly single, and at a loss, Jeff turns to his cat for a sympathetic furry ear. The witty and convincingly cat-like character he imagines becomes the friend he so desperately needs. But as his owner agonises about love and life, Tom concerns himself with more important matters, such as soliciting tuna and how to get better acquainted with the neighbour’s rabbit. Although they don’t always understand each other, Jeff and Tom form an unbreakable bond – until a trip to the vet changes everything
You might have also noted that the blog has changed it's title to a more suitable: Angela Lockwood writes and reviews.

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Reblogged from Lurking musings

I've been busy doing many things to promote the Language in the Blood series. One of these was doing a guest spot and interview on the following blog. You can read my interview on the blog and I copied my guest spot below.
Lurking musings

I mentioned in my interview that I’m not very comfortable with self-publicising. It was about two years after publishing my first book that I decided to put a headshot on my author page. If I can give one piece of advice to a new writer, it’s to be conscious of your and your book’s image. Readers want to know who you are, what you look like and preferably what your pets look like too.vampire cat
So here is a picture of Clicquot the cat, and me, reluctantly venturing into the limelight. He was also reluctant to dress up as a vampire bat, but mummy’s career demanded it.
Before you shout ‘animal cruelty!’ I’ll tell you that the wings and tie only stayed on a few seconds; just long enough for the photo.
It’s my little revenge for him getting us up at 4am most mornings.
The biggest mistake I made early on is trying to do everything myself. (Except editing, I knew I needed help there!) This is no problem if you’re good at everything book related. If you decide to go the self-publishing route there are so many jobs you then need to do. Graphic designer, web-page designer, blogger, editor, marketing and advertising expert are just a couple of skills you’ll have to learn.
catI soon realised I was out of my depth. The best decision I’ve made, probably, is joining an independent writers’ group. This group was very open with sharing their experiences and when I saw some of the covers my colleagues were using I knew I had to change mine. My group recommended several avenues and after a few emails I went with Paradox Book Covers. If you shop and ask around you’ll find that professional is not always expensive. People really do judge a book by its cover, so make sure yours stands out.
I’m next hoping to tackle my website, because you’re not just a writer, you are a brand. If your reader loves your books they want to know more about you, so make sure you present you, the writer, in the best light.
Amazon author page:
Twitter: @LitBCameronB

The Bio
Angela Lockwood-van der Klauw was born in the Netherlands. She learned her trade as a jeweller and gemmologist at the Vakschool Schoonhoven before moving to Edinburgh as an apprentice jeweller. There she met and later married her husband Adam. Angela ran her own jeweller’s shop in Edinburgh for ten years before she and her husband moved to the south of France in 2011. Like her vampire character Cameron, Angela prefers the climate there, but often thinks about the town she left behind and its people. Cameron’s story was born in the spring of 2013, a very wet spring during which Angela found herself climbing the walls, frustrated that she couldn’t go out and have her usual long walks along the seafront. Seeing his wife’s frustration, Adam suggested ‘Why don’t you write a book?’ Angela thought about it for a few days, then switched on her laptop and started writing Language in the Blood. Blood Ties is the second book in the series and Angela has also published a collection of short stories Something Short with her friend, Elspeth Morrison.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Frantish conversations with Clicquot

My Scottish husband and I have been living in France for nearly four and a half years. We talk English with each other, but in the work place it is mostly French. It wasn't long before French words started cropping up in our conversations. We do apologise to friends when this happens, as it's not a sign of pretentiousness but merely us getting comfortable in our surroundings. We do lampoon our self by quoting an Armstrong and Miller sketch:

I've only been living in France for 20 months, but are already forgetting the English.

The other day I caught myself having the following conversation with my cat Clicquot:
Me: Oi
He: What? (stopping temporarily from trying to pry open the kitchen cupboard.)
Me: Just gonnie no. ( translation: don't do that!)
He: How? (transl: Why?)
Me: I dinnea want you raking in the Poubelle. (Transl.: I don't want you to go through the stuff in the bin.)
I had to throw a coaster at him to get the message across; cats don't get negation.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

New reasons not to be writing

To be honest, I haven't done too badly with writing this week as I exceeded my target and now have 4 short stories for a planed co-written bundle. The follow up to Language in the blood is also progressing, but rather than adding words, I deleted large sections and rewrote them.

But the next weeks are going to bring many distractions in the form of Clicquot. Not the brand of champagne but the equally orange little tomcat we decided to adopt from the local animal shelter. He is about 4 months old and as all kittens; very lively. Most of yesterday was spend following the kitten about with a camera. We managed to capture a great video of him attacking the mirror; below the link to Youtube:

He is currently asleep on the chair next to me so I can get some time to catch up with emails and write this blog post. Next week I will have to seriously look at promoting the book, so be on the lookout for another free promotion period coming up. Meanwhile I hope you will enjoy Clicquot's antics.