At the moment I’m
counting my last days of work. When I started this job it seemed like a dream;
working in a high end jewellers in Monte Carlo was just too good to be true.....
and it was. I won’t say too much, I'll just let Cameron fictionally deal with some of the
issues in book two. Anyway the 1st of January I will be a free woman again.
On the 1st
of January many of us have a list of new years resolutions in order to make a fresh start, but mostly a few days later
we will carry on as before. I do hope to hit the ground running and make the
most of my new freedom before another job snags me again. Here are a few things I hope
to achieve and change in 2014:
- Finish that second book.
- I don’t want to, but I better get a good CV out there.
- Do reviews of self-published free books. I believe in paying it forward, if I’m expecting people to do reviews of my book during a giveaway I’d better do a few myself.
- Weather permitting, have a daily swim.
- Actually use some of all my cooking books and try some new recipes.
- Read all the blogs I’m now subscribed to as there are some good ones out there with some great tips for writers. I've just not had the time but I need to develop a strategy for promoting the first book.
- Figure out how to improve my blog and what the hell Pinterest actually is and then linking the two. Need to get more web savvy.
- Unrelated, but I really need to throw out some of my make-up. I know my bronzing pearls are at least 15 years old, how could they have lasted that long?????
- Improve my French.(I say this every year and I'm sure there is improvement, but my inner teacher keeps telling me: 'must do better!')
- Let all good intentions go to waste by getting a kitten which will no doubt distract me from doing all the things I set out to do.
I would like to know what your New Year’s resolution are.
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