Showing posts with label Paradox series. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paradox series. Show all posts

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Paradox - Equilibrium (Book 4) (Paradox series) by Patti Roberts

As you might know, Patti Roberts is the talented lady that designs my book covers. What you might not, is that she is a great writer too. This is the forth book I have read in the Paradox series and they are getting better. Book 3 was a little slower, but this one picks up the pace ending on a few cliff-hangers. 5 stars.
Paradox-Equilibrium (Book 4) (Paradox series) by Patti Roberts on

This has been a riveting series so far and in this one we are getting to know some more about the other characters in Grace’s life as her story takes a back seat now and then. This is not a criticism as the other people in Grace’s life have back stories that would fill a whole other series, and they add plenty of action. Grace herself finally knows the truth and what it took to keep that truth from her. Angela was her deadpan amusing self when she showed her friend how she had created a home next door, even picking some suitable parents from a catalogue. The book ends on no less than two cliff-hangers and I just have to find out what happens next.  As usual, Patti puts her readers on the edge of their seats and leaves them dangling there, desperate for the next instalment.

Monday, 10 October 2016

Paradox - Bound By Blood (Paradox series Book 3) by Patti Roberts

I reviewed books 1 and 2 in the series quite a while ago, so I was glad the pace of the third book was a bit calmer. It allowed me to get back into this fairly complex story and get reacquainted with all the characters. Patti (who designed the Language in the Blood covers) continues strongly with this excellent series. And of course the cover of Bound by Blood is beautiful. 5 star read.
Paradox-Bound By Blood (Paradox series Book 3) by Patti Roberts on

Bound by Blood is the third book in the Paradox series and probably my favourite so far. We were introduced to a lot more characters in book two and I was pleased to learn more about their back stories in Bound by Blood. Especially Claire proves to have a few skeletons in her family’s closet. Now three books in I have a much clearer idea about Altair and what’s at stake. Patti has succeeded in knitting the events that took place in Altair together with the events taking place on earth and around Grace. The pace is a bit calmer initially as we switch between the present and historic events on Altair, but towards the end the tension rises, mainly due to the fact that both Abaddon and Pandora have arrived in the present. The book ends again on a heart stopping cliff-hanger so I’m off to Amazon for book 4 in the series.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Paradox Book 1&2

Next to designing beautiful book covers like the two for the Language in the Blood series, Patti Roberts is also a prolific writer of books. Needless to say that the covers for the series Paradox are stunning. I will be reviewing the first two books just now, but I've already bought book 3. The series is 4 books and I think I will need to read the whole series to get all the answers. (And after reading the first I have many questions, but it will be fun getting to the end) If you're a fan of fantasy you will enjoy this and I gave both books 5 stars.

Paradox - The Angels Are Here (Paradox series Book 1) on
This book is the first in a series, but what a promising start. A war is raging in a parallel universe of Aquila, between two Houses of angels the Grigorians and Bulguardians. The Grigorians have taken the upper hand and the imperial city of Altair has fallen. This is bad news as the Grigorians are fallen angels that feed on the blood and souls of humans. The seven pinnacles, key to the survival of the human race have been taken to earth. The Paradox is that in our universe time passes much quicker. While the war still rumbles on in Aquila, on earth 900 years have passed and we’re now in Darwin Australia 2001, where we meet Grace an eight year old girl. Her life takes a rather tragic turn and later she is haunted by visions and the experiences of a girl named Julliete.
The story of Grace, who loses her father at a young age is very well told and heart breaking. We find out that she is special and angels have been sent to protect her. First one comes in her life as an imaginary friend, but later come into her life as normal people too; a police man or a class mate. I particularly like her neighbour and friend Angela as this angel has some trouble fitting in and is just too serious for her own good. This provides some comedy moments. The Grigorians are excellently portrayed as a depraved family that is cruel and blood thirsty with very few morals. The story is at times complex and I think I’ll need to read on to find out what is going on. But that’s not going to be a chore! There is no gratuitous sex or swearing, but some of the descriptions are gruesome, so not suitable for a very young adult.

Paradox - Progeny Of Innocence (bk2) (Paradox series) on
Paradoxically in book 2, only days have passed in Altair, but on earth, Grace is now a girl of sixteen. She is still non the wiser about her visions, but she takes them seriously and jots her dreams down. We find out that things at Graces school are rather precarious as the Grigorians have taken the cover of a group of goths at her school. Despite needing to stay hidden, their blood lust often gets the better of them.
 Grace also discovers boys and is attracted to Damon, one of the Goths. One day in class she feels utterly compelled to kiss him. Angela has her doubts about him as he is one of the goths/Grigorians, but is he as evil as they are? Then a Pizza delivery boy Riley catches her eye and she has a spooky feeling she has known him before. I think book 3 will have a very interesting love triangle. I’m glad Angela still has a big role next to Grace; her cool head saves the day on a few occasions.
 The story is at times complex as we learn a lot more about the world of Aquila and its inhabitants. There are many magical creatures and we just get just a look into this world. Also on earth we get introduced to a lot of new characters as we follow Grace and her school days. There are still many mysteries to be solved and loose ends to be tied up. The second book ends on a great cliff-hanger, so I ran straight to Amazon to buy part 3. There is no gratuitous sex or swearing, but some of the descriptions are gruesome, so not suitable for a very young adult.