Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Darrienia: Book 1: The Forgotten Legacies Series (Volume 1) by K J Simmill

Fantasy is not my preferred genre. Truth be told; I was bored to tears by the Hobbit. (Both the book and the film!) I know there is a huge fan base for this genre and I don't shy away from reviewing it. Even though this book was not quite my cup of tea, I know it will appeal to the readers who like to sit down with a thick book and immerse themselves in a fantasy world full of magic. I gave this 4 stars.
Darrienia: Book 1: The Forgotten Legacies Series (Volume 1) by K J Simmill on Amazon.com

When Zoella turns up in Daniels village she can’t remember the last 10 years of her life. Despite this Daniel realises she is special and introduces her to his family. Daniel’s mother, Angela, notices her talent for healing; an almost magical talent. Zo and Daniel become firm friends. Zo’s healing talents are called upon when another mysterious woman is found more dead than alive. Acha is healed and becomes part of the group of friends, despite many questions being left un-answered. Zo happiness is disturbed when a friend from the past shows up and tells them they are all in danger. Her forgotten past hides a terrible secret. Darrienia is the first book in a complex adventure series, which takes the reader to a magical world where nothing is quite like it seems.
The character of Zo/Marise is fascinating; an assassin that has been put under a spell to forget her sadistic Alter ego. The struggle between the blood thirty Marise and gentle healer Zo brings a lot of tension and dread to the story.
Elly is equally intriguing as we are never sure of her intentions and motivations.
I struggled a little with the complexity of the story and I think it will suit an older young adult best. (Also because some scenes are terrifying!) It will be a real treat for the reader who loves fantasy like the Lord of the Rings and other fleshed out magical adventure stories full of wondrous creatures and finely woven plot. The writer might consider using italics for the flashbacks as it left me a little confused as to what time line we were in.
Good writing, intriguing characters and a thrilling story.

Friday, 28 October 2016

Origins by S.E.Meyer

I really enjoyed this book, but I will have to contact the editor about some of the editing issues. If you are not put off by the odd typo and comma in the wrong place, dive straight in. Self-publishing is all well and good but sometimes we have just too many hats on. Writer, editor, designer, publisist; it is impossible to do them all well. My motto is to hire or bribe the best people you know for the job. The result can be a bad referrence because of poor editing or even worse, no one buys your book because the cover is shockingly bad. Anyway back to the book; I gave it five stars.
Origins by S.E.Meyer

Origins will appeal to the reader that is intrigued by some of the things created by the ancients; like the Nazca lines and the pyramids. The reader that doesn’t dismiss the idea that there might have been some alien influence. But even if you’re a sceptic like me you will still enjoy this book; it is a good action adventure. This is a good story due to two factors; Mr Meyer knows how to write and keep his reader on the edge of his/her seat. Secondly he knows his stuff; you can tell that he has done a lot of research into ancient cultures such as the Sumerians and this lets him blend fiction with fact in a believable way. (there is some very interesting further reading at the end of the book about the Sumerians)
The main character John, is a scientist who has an ordinary but happy life with the woman he loves. Events take over and we see John thrown into a world he had no knowledge off. As he grows into his new role we still recognise the man we had at the start. The love of his family drives him. He is a guy we like and feel comfortable with. This is quite an epic work, but one that keeps the reader engaged until the very end but to find out how things finish you’ll have to read the second part. In my case that won’t be a chore. Reading through some of the other reviews, I’m happy to report that the author has corrected the UK issues.

Monday, 10 October 2016

Sucked In (The Series That Just Plain Sucks Book 1) by Charissa Dufour

I had a lot of fun reading this book. I think it will appeal to the fans of the Language in the Blood series and fans of John Hennessy's vampire books. Basically any one who doesn't take their vampires too seriously. I gave it 5 stars.
Sucked In (The Series That Just Plain Sucks Book 1) by Charissa Dufour on amazon.com

When Ashley Hawn is on date with Isaac; an attractive man she has been dating for a while. She innocently mentions that there were rumours of a wizard in her family’s past. He is suddenly a lot more interested in his date and she painfully finds out what he really is. The next few days see her struggling to hold on to her new vampire life. She is helped by her ‘vampire baby sitter’ Nik as the two struggle to find out who wants to capture and sacrifice her. Despite disliking Nik, Ashley recognises she needs him to stay alive. The banter between the reluctant protector and the hapless but stubborn new vampire is what makes this book so much fun to read. Ashley Hawn, the main character is a writer of vampire novels. The sort of novels I normally hate and in which all vampires are attractive, brooding and uber powerful. Thankfully Charissa Dufour isn’t that sort of writer. She takes the whole genre with a healthy dose of humour and a good pinch of salt. She has created in Ashley a heroine that is flawed but also highly entertaining.  I can’t wait to read more about this hapless new vampire.

Paradox - Bound By Blood (Paradox series Book 3) by Patti Roberts

I reviewed books 1 and 2 in the series quite a while ago, so I was glad the pace of the third book was a bit calmer. It allowed me to get back into this fairly complex story and get reacquainted with all the characters. Patti (who designed the Language in the Blood covers) continues strongly with this excellent series. And of course the cover of Bound by Blood is beautiful. 5 star read.
Paradox-Bound By Blood (Paradox series Book 3) by Patti Roberts on Amazon.com

Bound by Blood is the third book in the Paradox series and probably my favourite so far. We were introduced to a lot more characters in book two and I was pleased to learn more about their back stories in Bound by Blood. Especially Claire proves to have a few skeletons in her family’s closet. Now three books in I have a much clearer idea about Altair and what’s at stake. Patti has succeeded in knitting the events that took place in Altair together with the events taking place on earth and around Grace. The pace is a bit calmer initially as we switch between the present and historic events on Altair, but towards the end the tension rises, mainly due to the fact that both Abaddon and Pandora have arrived in the present. The book ends again on a heart stopping cliff-hanger so I’m off to Amazon for book 4 in the series.

Friday, 23 September 2016

Wolf Eye Alibi (Wolf Eye Lighthouse Series) (Volume 2) by Terri Lyndie

I normally don't start a series at the second book, but I was assured this was a stand alone book. The writer just has set a few books in the (I assume) fictional and eccentric town of Wolf Eye. It is my first book by this author and I'm pleased to have discovered yet another talented independent author. This was a fun and 5 star read.
Wolf Eye Alibi (Wolf Eye Lighthouse Series) (Volume 2) by Terri Lyndie on Amazon

The books starts strongly with a wedding descending into chaos as the Groom and Bride are arrested for murder. I was hooked from the first chapter as I followed hapless bridesmaid Mia run from the law when the local cops wants to arrest her and the groom’s brother (Jonah) too, as accessories to murder. The character of Mia is great; a pampered Manhattan princess out of her depth in the Michigan wilderness. I chuckled as she was thrown from one ordeal to another; fighting off mosquitoes as well as Jonah’s advances. As this book is written from a first person perspective we experience these ordeals first hand and you can’t but help liking Mia. A few chapters in I was rooting for her and Jonah to get together and find out who framed the not-so-happy couple.  Even though this is the second book in the series, it stood perfectly on its own and I had at no point the feeling that I had missed something. Funny, racy and action packed till the end.